35 Grime Wobble Presets For Native Instruments Massive

35 Grime Wobble Presets For Native Instruments Massive

If you have Massive software synth from Native Instruments, then download these 35 grime wobble presets. I got these from The Spanning Tree and the original creator of these patches is unknown (a person named Kasper?), but there are some quite nice wobbles in this package nonetheless. πŸ™‚

Here’s a short video showing some sound examples:


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HowToMakeElectronicMusic.com (HTMEM) - A music production website with plenty FL Studio tutorials, interviews, news, free music production tips, and free downloads.


  1. If gas prices were down, and I didn’t have to save up for college, I would totally have Massive πŸ™

    • Jon, did you knew you can also buy used licenses for Native Instrument products? Check out KVRaudio Marketplace and you can find Massive for a very good price (use Massive licenses are usually sold something like $90 or so).

      • Really??? I will check that out right now!! πŸ™‚
        Today is also payday and I have the day off πŸ˜€

        Thanks alot Petri, your too helpful!

        • Np. Also, you can create a new topic there in a style of WTB Native Instruments Massive if you can’t find any For Sale threads for Massive.

  2. Where do I put these presets at? In what directory? I am using windows 7 btw.

  3. Hi, how come when I put the presets in this directory, it loads on massive but it does not play the sounds from these presets.

  4. Imegatron on

    dude…this awesome…really!!! hmm..can you makes some scream wooble like skrillex’s??

  5. I can’t seem to get it to work, My other massive files are Native instrumenent massive files whilst the others are KSD files which can’t be uploaded?