How To Make A Pitch Modulation Riser Effect

How To Make A Pitch Modulation Riser Effect

You just can’t have enough of riser effects in electronic dance music and in this short tutorial, I’ll show you how to program a pitch modulation riser effect with Wasp.

Here’s an example:

Ok, let’s get on to it!

First, load a Wasp to your FL Studio project and choose Square wave as the shape for Oscillator 1.

Select The Oscillator 1 Shape

Set the ADSR volume envelope like this: Attack all the way to left, leave Decay as is, Sustain all the way to right and leave Release as is.

Tweak The Amp ADSR Settings

Filter settings: tweak the Cutoff, Resonance and Envelope amount -knobs like shown in the pic below and choose ‘LP FAT’ as the filter type:

Filter Settings

LFO 1: make sure the LFO 1 destination is set to Osc 1+2 (default), switch on ‘Sync’ and turn the Amount and Speed knobs like this (also, make sure the LFO shape is set to Sine – should be set by default):

LFO Settings

Now head to the Playlist, add an empty pattern there and open the Piano Roll -view of the Wasp and create 8 bars long note of C4:

C4 Note

Open up the Wasp again and create automation clip for the Cutoff -knob by right clicking on it and choosing ‘Create automation clip’ from the menu.

Create Automation Clip For The Cutoff

Draw a following Cutoff automation envelope:

Wasp Cutoff Envelope

Open the Channel Settings -box of Wasp, set the Pitch Knob Range to 24 semitones and right click on the Channel Pitch -knob and choose ‘Create automation clip’.

Automate Wasp Channel Pitch

Draw a following Wasp Channel Pitch envelope:

Wasp Channel Pitch Envelope

Open up the Wasp again and right click on the LFO 1 Amount -knob and choose ‘Create automation clip’.

Automate LFO Amount

Draw a following Wasp LFO1 Amount envelope:

LFO Amount Envelope

There you have it!

If you want, you can add reverb and/or delay to the effect. Also, try experimenting with different LFO Amount and Speed settings for more fun 🙂

Check the video below:

Download Pitch Modulation Riser Effect FL Studio Project File


About Author (HTMEM) - A music production website with plenty FL Studio tutorials, interviews, news, free music production tips, and free downloads.


  1. El3ctronicPunk on

    you are the man Petri!! keep them coming! 😀 the best tutorials on the internet for sure

  2. Steve Morency on

    Awesomeness!!!!! Petri, i’ve been longing about a tutorial on using the “Filter”. In lots of prog houses they use a filter pass for the rise and bring it back before the drop. Though filter settings are quick easy, i cant seem to get the right pass at the right frequency level. Can you help?

  3. Max Golovanov on

    Just passed this amazing tutorial & perfectly merged it with my current project!

    THX, man! I’m sure it’s a great TALENT to be able to make complex sounds with simple synths & have a skill to explain ‘how I made it’ after! And you HAVE it!

    Keep it up, man!

  4. Realy great 🙂 — now i know how they do it

    thanx allott

  5. iv seen all ur learning videos – i cant belev those for free 🙂 — thanx aloot man – btw r u gonna make a learning video about (mastering) for trance music ?? u know compressors and limiters and all those tricky stuff ??
    that would be realy amaizing

  6. Systematic Mechanic on

    Good tutorial here.
    Pretty easy to create nice
    sound effects using Automation.

  7. Sounds like Khomha from his track Magnetik 😀 Btw amazing tutorial;)

  8. thank you, petri
    the best tutorial i have seen
    i’m just keep hanging on this website, all day
    it’s very nice, man
    KEEP IT UP!!!!

  9. austinematt on d beat on

    petri apart from fl studios do u do tutorial on other beat making softwares?

    • Hey there,

      So far I haven’t done any tutorials for other DAW’s, but I DO have Ableton Live 9 and I use it occasionally and I have plans on making tutorials for it as well.